Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Geog 7 Lab 1

Map showing parking lots and valet parking at Hollywood Bowl
This is a map of the general area of the Hollywood Bowl. I found this map on the Hollywood Bowl website at this url I chose this map because I went to see the band Wilco at the bowl on Sunday night with my girlfriend.


This is a map of global deforestation and and land degradation in dry lands. I found this map on a website called Cryonie at this url I chose this map because deforestation is a hugely important issue. It not only destroys vast biodiversity, it also removes trees that help produce oxygen in our highly polluted atmosphere.

 This is a map of Coronado Island in San Diego. I found this map on a website called Coronado Main Street at this url I chose this map because my visits to Coronado are always enjoyable. I find it odd that they call this place an island even though it is a small peninsula, but then again not everyone cares about proper naming of land forms.

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